Pride in professional quality products
Our products are engaged in 800 our directly-managed shops and franchise networks in 35 countries. We continuously satisfy customer requiqmrents by focusing on Quality and Reliability. This is the main reason why we have Research and Development, and Manufacturing in house in Japan.
Feedback is gathered daily basis and utlized to advance our existing procuts and even for new product developments. In fact, our products are designed to be able to performe their capabilities, although a temperature is extreme: -30 ℃ to +40 ℃.
At SENSHA, “Quality and Reliability” are necessary not only for the products and services offered to customers whereas also for SENSHA’s attitude to society and how each SENSHA staff member carries out their work. SENSHA specifically understands quality as desctibed below:
- Quality of products
- Quality of sales and service
- Quality in terms of variety and delivery
- Quality of business
SENSHA family around the world will support your business. Track record of over 800 stores is the proof.